Presenter Deadlines

Accepted contributed abstracts will be presented either as oral or poster presentations.  Both oral and poster presentations are vital to the success of the Conference and are expected to be of similarly high technical quality. 

December 13 - Registration Deadline for All Presenters*
January 17 - Presentation Upload Deadline to the Conference Resource Center (Required for Virtual Poster Presenters; Optional for In-Person Presenters)

*Registration Note:

  • Virtual Presenters = Registration allows for one virtual poster presentation and one paper/manuscript submission per abstract.
  • In-Person Presenters = Registration allows for multiple abstract presentations onsite and up to two paper/manuscript submissions, one paper per abstract.
  • All oral contributed presenters must present onsite.
  • The presenting author or representative must be a registered Conference attendee and available to provide details and answer questions during the Conference.
  • The contributed presentation format is a 10-minute talk by the registered author, followed by a 2-minute discussion.
  • The invited presentation format is a 30-minute talk by the registered author, followed by a 6-minute discussion.
  • Authors are expected to bring their presentation on their own laptop along with a backup copy on a USB drive.
  • Slide presentations should be formatted for 16:9 aspect ratio.
  • If you are presenting with an Apple computer, please ensure you have appropriate adapters.
  • All oral presenters will have the option to submit presentation slides for inclusion in the Conference Resource Center. Prerecorded presentations will not be collected.  Presentation upload instructions will be posted in early December.
  • Poster presenters will have the option to present onsite or, if they cannot attend in person, to upload an electronic poster to the Conference Resource Center.
  • Virtual poster presenters are required to submit an electronic poster for inclusion in the Conference Resource Center no later than January 17. 
  • Onsite poster presenters will also have the option to submit an electronic poster, but it will not be required.  Presentation upload instructions will be posted in early December.
  • The presenting author or representative must be a registered Conference attendee and available to provide details and answer questions during the Conference (onsite poster presenters only).
  • Posting a copy of a paper is NOT appropriate and will be marked as a NO SHOW. Posters should consist of well-prepared visual materials about the work.
  • The Conference provides a sign designating the ID of the presentation on each board and push pins for displaying the poster. The useable poster board space is 7 feet 10.5 inches wide by 3 feet 10.5 inches high. Please ensure your printed poster will fit on the board given the above dimensions. 

Posterboard dimensions.jpeg

No Show Policy

If any of the following applies, then the paper will be marked as a NO SHOW and will not be published.

  • Abstracts that are listed in the program but are NOT presented in person or uploaded by the specified deadline (only for virtual poster presenters).
  • Abstracts that are presented by an unregistered and/or unknowledgeable author or representative.
  • Abstracts that did not have a registered author or representative available and responsive to address questions.