• Events Supporting:
    • Women in Magnetism Networking Event
    • Plenary Reception

    Seagate Technology is a leading innovator of mass-capacity data storage. We create breakthrough technology so you can confidently store your data and easily unlock its value. Founded over 45 years ago, Seagate has shipped over four billion terabytes of data capacity and offers a full portfolio of storage devices, systems, and services from edge to cloud.

  • Event Supporting: Best Student Presentation Award

    AIP Advances is an open access, multidisciplinary journal covering all areas of the physical sciences — experimental, theoretical, and applied. The inclusive scope and publication standards of AIP Advances makes it an essential outlet for scientists across the physical sciences.

  • Event Supporting:  Best Poster Awards

    GMW offers Electromagnet Systems for magnetic material, thin film, and spintronics studies including Miniature Projected Field Electromagnets with options for in-plane field, vertical field and true 3-axis vector field versions. Instantaneous fields applied to a single device of >2T are possible, as are >0.77T continuous fields over a 4mm array.

    Dipole Electromagnets with field control to +/-7T for FMR, EPR, MOKE measurements. One- and Three-component “Projected Field Electromagnets allow open access for Optical and Electrical Probes.

    Analog and Digital Field Measurement Transducers with Three-component Sensors provide Bx, By and Bz with a common point for accurate total field, B, measurement even in high gradient fields. Field ranges of +/-100uT, +/-8mT, +/-3T and +/-14T (up to 20T uncalibrated); bandwidths from dc to 75kHz(-3dB). 1.5mm thin NMR probes for high absolute accuracy B measurement. Three-component Magnetic Sensor Arrays with 16k Pixels, Magnetic Field Mapping Systems.

  • Event Supporting: Symposia GA - Advanced Materials and Devices for Energy Harvesting and Conversion

    The open access journal Advanced Devices & Instrumentation, published in association with BIACD, is a forum to promote breakthroughs and application advances at all levels of electronics and photonics.

  • Event Supporting:  Symposium CB - When Magnons Meet Quantum Spins

    The Physical Review journals, encompassing both hybrid and open-access journals, feature 17 leading peer-reviewed publications including Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, and Reviews of Modern Physics.

  • Event Supporting:  Opening Bierstube (Monday)

    The evico magnetics GmbH was founded in 2006 as spin-off of the Leibniz Institut for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden. The main products are: (i) Advanced magneto-optical wide-field Kerr microscope systems for the visualization of magnetic domains and magnetization processes in all kinds of magnetic materials. The Kerr microscopes also serve as magneto-optical magnetometers for the sensitive and local measurement of hysteresis loops by MOKE magnetometry. (ii) High Pressure Milling Vials with a gas temperature monitoring system for the synthesis of magnetic powders and hydrogen storage materials.

  • Event Supporting: Bierstube (Wednesday)

    Hprobe offers a unique patented technology of 3D magnetic field generator for magnetic devices for characterization and testing. Current product line includes dedicated tools for characterization and testing of all types of MRAM (STT, SOT, VCMA) and Magnetic Sensors (Hall, TMR, GMR, etc.) in all phases of the magnetic technology development.

  • Event Supporting: Bierstube (Tuesday)

    Materion is a global supplier of premier specialty materials and services for the semiconductor, advanced memory, MEMS, optical coatings and large area glass markets. We offer the widest range of high purity thin film materials. Our comprehensive portfolio of specialty materials support STT-RAM (MRAM) applications, including fine-microstructure precious metals such as Palladium alloys, Platinum alloys, Iridium alloys and Ruthenium. We also manufacture high purity tunnel junction materials of Magnesium, Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium-Aluminum alloys. In addition, we offer services such as sputter target bonding, precision parts cleaning, and precious and high value metal reclamation services.

  • AJA is a manufacturer of thin film deposition systems including magnetron sputtering, e-beam evaporation, thermal evaporation, and ion milling systems. Founded in Scituate, MA, USA in 1989 by William Hale, MBA, BS Physics, the company was established as a supplier of innovative physical vapor deposition (PVD) products. With many systems and magnetron sputter sources shipped worldwide, AJA International, Inc. continues to discover innovative design solutions which are often copied but never equaled. The company truly remains the cutting edge in thin film technology.

  • Event Supporting:  Symposium CB - When Magnons Meet Quantum Spins

    The Physical Review journals, encompassing both hybrid and open-access journals, feature 17 leading peer-reviewed publications including Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, and Reviews of Modern Physics.

  • attocube offers cutting-edge components for nanoscale applications in research & industry. The business sector ‘Cryogenic Instruments’ includes nanopositioners, cryostats and microscopes for research in extreme environments. ‘Nanoscale Analytics’, also known as our product line 'neaspec', develops ultra-fast, high-resolution optical imaging and spectroscopy nanoscopes for nanoscale optical surface analysis.

  • Bruker's SmartTip™ CIPT solutions offer several high-field, high-accuracy instruments for both industry and academia to perform current-in-plane tunneling measurements. Both in-plane and perpendicular field options are available.

    Driven by a mission to provide innovative solutions to our customers, we aim to enable MEMS-based microprobe technologies through co-operation and collaboration with our customers. Our SmartTip solutions are positioned to advance high-tech nanotechnology-based microprobe applications with a commitment to quality and continuous improvement in development.

  • CIQTEK is the global developer and manufacturer of high-precision scientific instruments. Our main business includes Electron Microscopes, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (Electron Spin Resonance), Scanning NV Microscopes, Widefield NV Microscopes, and BET Surface Area and Pore Analyzers.

    CIQTEK Scanning NV Microscope is a precision measurement instrument that combines optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers with a scanning probe technique. It can achieve high spatial resolution, high sensitivity, and quantitative non-destructive magnetic imaging while being compatible with both ambient test environments as well as cryogenic & vacuum extremes.

  • Correlated Magnetics Research, Inc (CMR) is an advanced magnetics company whose patented technology is powering some of today’s most advanced applications of magnetics, including consumer electronics, medical devices, and industry machinery. CMR’s patented line of magnetizers are used around the globe to facilitate just in time design and prototyping all the way through production.

  • Event Supporting:  Opening Bierstube (Monday)

    The evico magnetics GmbH was founded in 2006 as spin-off of the Leibniz Institut for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW) Dresden. The main products are: (i) Advanced magneto-optical wide-field Kerr microscope systems for the visualization of magnetic domains and magnetization processes in all kinds of magnetic materials. The Kerr microscopes also serve as magneto-optical magnetometers for the sensitive and local measurement of hysteresis loops by MOKE magnetometry. (ii) High Pressure Milling Vials with a gas temperature monitoring system for the synthesis of magnetic powders and hydrogen storage materials.

  • Event Supporting:  Best Poster Awards

    GMW offers Electromagnet Systems for magnetic material, thin film, and spintronics studies including Miniature Projected Field Electromagnets with options for in-plane field, vertical field and true 3-axis vector field versions. Instantaneous fields applied to a single device of >2T are possible, as are >0.77T continuous fields over a 4mm array.

    Dipole Electromagnets with field control to +/-7T for FMR, EPR, MOKE measurements. One- and Three-component “Projected Field Electromagnets allow open access for Optical and Electrical Probes.

    Analog and Digital Field Measurement Transducers with Three-component Sensors provide Bx, By and Bz with a common point for accurate total field, B, measurement even in high gradient fields. Field ranges of +/-100uT, +/-8mT, +/-3T and +/-14T (up to 20T uncalibrated); bandwidths from dc to 75kHz(-3dB). 1.5mm thin NMR probes for high absolute accuracy B measurement. Three-component Magnetic Sensor Arrays with 16k Pixels, Magnetic Field Mapping Systems.

  • Hirst Magnetic Instruments have been providing solutions for 60 years in magnetics and magnetic measurement. Hirst manufactures precision hand-held Gaussmeters, Fluxmeters, magnetisers & demagnetisers and pulsed field magnetometers (PFMs) for characterising magnetic materials. These instruments are used in multiple industries including aerospace, automotive, electronics and medical equipment.

  • Event Supporting: Bierstube (Wednesday)

    Hprobe offers a unique patented technology of 3D magnetic field generator for magnetic devices for characterization and testing. Current product line includes dedicated tools for characterization and testing of all types of MRAM (STT, SOT, VCMA) and Magnetic Sensors (Hall, TMR, GMR, etc.) in all phases of the magnetic technology development.

  • IWATSU ELECTRIC CO., LTD. provides test and measurement equipment for the power markets. Specializing in semiconductor and magnetic characterization measurements.

  • Lake Shore offers VSMs that combine simple operation, high measurement speed, 15-nemu sensitivity, and fields to 3.6 T for magnetic material characterization applications; superconducting magnet systems; electromagnet platforms; and cryogenic probe stations with integrated magnets for on-wafer magneto-transport, DC, RF, and microwave measurements. Also available: a modular synchronous measure system that combines the convenience of DC and AC sourcing with DC and AC measurement (including a lock in’s sensitivity) for advanced measurement applications, including spin-orbit torque measurements; teslameters and other magnetic instruments and sensors; Hall measurement solutions; temperature sensors and instruments; and cryostats and other lab cryogenic equipment.

  • Founded in 1998, NanoMagnetics Instruments (NMI) has gradually evolved into one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPMs) and measurement systems for a variety of scientific and technological fields. Within this scope NMI introduces, markets and sells its products worldwide with the support of many distribution partners situated at key locations almost at every continent around the globe. With a team of more than 60 personnel; each of whom are highly accomplished experts in their own right; all of our system design, development, manufacturing, assembly, integration and testing are done in-house.

  • Qnami is a global leader and pioneer in the development and commercialization of quantum technologies for sensing and imaging applications. We offer cutting-edge scientific instruments and analytical solutions for applications in nanotechnology, life science, and earth science. Our expertise covers the nanofabrication of diamond quantum chips, system integration, and the development of software for data analytics. Qnami collaborates with leading universities and industries worldwide to offer high-performance solutions to its customers.

  • Quantum Design manufactures automated material characterization systems providing temperatures from 0.05 to 1000 K, magnetic fields up to 16 tesla, and a wide range of measurements, including: magnetometry, electrical transport, heat capacity, thermal transport, and FMR. Instruments include the PPMS®, SQUID-based MPMS®3, VersaLab®, and DynaCool®. Additionally, Quantum Design manufactures helium liquefiers and recovery systems, an innovative 7 tesla magneto-optical cryostat (OptiCool®), and a correlated AFM/SEM microscopy platform (FusionScope™). Quantum Design also distributes direct write lithography systems, NanoMOKE, FMR spectrometers, rapid-cycle sub-kelvin cryostats, compact Helium-ion beam process technology to enhance the magnetic properties of thin films, and NV-based scanning magnetometry.

  • QZabre commercializes Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) diamond technology. Our product line includes scanning diamond tips, diamond membranes with pillars, a confocal microscope for NV and diamond characterization as well as a turnkey scanning NV magnetometer (QSM). The QSM combines nanometer resolution with quantitative mapping of magnetic fields with uT-sensitivity at unprecedented speed. Demonstrated applications of the QSM include imaging magnetic textures such as spin cycloids, skyrmions, domain walls, antiferromagnets and ferromagnets, investigating memory devices and mapping surface current densities. The QSM has a built-in vector magnet to bias the sample up to 550mT and an integrated MOKE setup for complementary measurements.

  • Spin Sensing Factory Inc. is developing high sensitiv magnetic sensors using Tunnel Magneto-Resistance (TMR) effect. Our goal is to contribute to your health with TMR sensors.

  • Magnetics Business & Technology is a global media platform for professionals involved in all aspects of magnetic and electromagnetic technologies. The magazine is published every other month (six times yearly) in both print and digital format; the e-newsletter is published two times per month; the website is a news and content portal updated daily. Major markets and industries served include automotive, aerospace, aviation, electrical products, electronics, medical, defense, R&D and industrial. For more info, see www.MagneticsMag.com.