Obtaining your visa to enter the U.S. may take up to three to six months. Applicants should consult the U.S. Department of State’s website to determine first if you need a U.S. visa or visa renewal, and then to schedule an appointment for an interview and to determine processing wait times. 

If you are experiencing significant visa delays, please fill out the IVO visa survey. This will allow the International Visitors Office (IVO) to bring cases to the attention of the U.S. Department of State.

To request a letter of invitation from the Conference, complete the form below.  You must be either a registered Conference attendee or have submitted an abstract in order to receive an invitation letter.  Registration opens September 13, 2024.  Invited presenter acceptance decisions will be sent by June 19, 2024 and abstract acceptance decisions will be sent by September 20, 2024.

NEW THIS YEAR - Option for early decisions for visa applications! 

We encourage our participants from countries that have experienced long wait times for approval of visas to the US to apply for their visas as early as possible!  If you need to apply for such a visa and would like to receive an early decision notification, you must submit an abstract by July 19, 2024, and select the “Early Notification for Visa” box during the submission process.  Early decision notifications will be sent by July 26 for presenters to obtain their visa.  Please note that early decision letters will not contain any presentation date, time, or session details. Presentation details will be included in the abstract notification emails sent by September 20.