The nominations submission site is now closed.  Notifications have been sent to all confirmed invited speakers.

Nominations, for both single invited speakers and whole symposia, must be submitted online via the ScholarOne system. A symposium contains five (5) invited talks, focused on a single theme of particularly high interest to the magnetism and magnetic materials community. In addition, the Program Committee may also select a few contributed abstracts on late-breaking results for upgrades to invited status.

IMPORTANT:  All invited speakers (single speakers and symposia) must present onsite.  Please confirm with the person being nominated that they agree to present in-person.

To increase the possibility of success for your nomination, please consider: 

  • including speakers who did not give invited talks in the most recent conferences;
  • keeping in mind diversity of topics and speakers from our community;
  • listing recent references related to the nominated work;
  • commenting on the presentation capability and availability of the speakers; and
  • having a very attractive symposium title.

Invited speakers will be contacted directly by the Program Co-Chairs in June. Nominating someone does not guarantee that they will be given an invited talk. If their nomination for an invited talk is accepted, they must submit an abstract through the invited speaker submission site.  If their nomination is not accepted, they must resubmit their abstract for consideration as a contributed talk if they want to be considered for the technical program.  The abstract submission site opens June 28, 2024 and closes July 19, 2024.