The abstract submission site is now closed.  If you requested an early notification and submitted your abstract by July 19, notifications for visas will be sent on July 26.  All other notifications will be sent by September 20, 2024.

NEW THIS YEAR - Option for early decisions for visa applications!  We encourage our participants from countries that have experienced long wait times for approval of visas to the US to apply for their visas as early as possible!  If you need to apply for such a visa and would like to receive an early decision notification, you must submit an abstract by July 19, 2024, and select the “Early Notification for Visa” box during the submission process.  Early decision notifications will be sent by July 26 for presenters to obtain their visa.  Please note that early decision letters will not contain any presentation date, time, or session details. Presentation details will be included in the abstract notification emails sent by September 20.

Important Details

  • Oral Presenters:  If you select "Oral" presentation, you must present in-person.  There will be no virtual presentation option for oral presenters (invited and contributed short oral).
  • Poster Presenters:  If you select "Poster" presentation, you will have the option to present in-person or virtually which you must indicate when submitting your abstract. When you select presentation type “Poster”, you will be required to select either "In-person" or “Virtual” for your presentation format.
  • In-person oral and in-person poster presenters will NOT be required to submit a prerecorded presentation or electronic poster; however, in-person presenters will have the option to submit presentation slides or an electronic poster to the Conference Resource Center. 
  • Virtual poster presenters will be required to submit an electronic poster which will be included in the Conference Resource Center.  There will be no live presentation or Q&A available for virtual poster presenters.
  • In-person presenters will receive their presentation date and time in the author notification letters sent by September 20, 2024.  
  • Paper submissions are limited to one per registered virtual participant and two per registered in-person participant.

Abstract Acceptance Criteria
To maximize your chances of acceptance, follow the submission requirements and keep in mind the following  acceptance criteria used by the Program Committee:

  • Choose your category and subcategory with care (this helps ensure the most informed review of your abstract.)
  • The abstract must report a substantial advance in the science of magnetism and magnetic materials.
  • The advance in knowledge must be both original and significant.
  • The work reported must be substantially complete, with specific reference to new results. Sufficient context and details must be included to allow the Program Committee to make an assessment of the work.
  • The Program Committee seeks to permit as many groups as possible to present their work. Groups or individuals considering the submission of several related abstracts should, wherever possible, combine them into a single submission.
  • Inclusion of figures with recent data, calculations, or predictions is often an effective demonstration of complete work. 
  • The abstract must be written in clear English. If necessary, please have a native English speaker edit your abstract before submission.

Abstract Submission Requirements

How to Submit an Abstract

  • The abstract submission site opens June 28, 2024.
  • Abstracts sent via email, fax, or regular mail will not be processed or acknowledged.
  • Acknowledgment of your submission will be sent via email. If you do not receive an email confirmation, your abstract has not been submitted. Please check the email address that you entered into the online system.
  • The presenting author must be a registered Conference attendee. The Conference does not provide financial support or registration fee waivers for any presenters.

Online Submission Procedures

  • Submission procedures will be available at each step of the online process.
  • Provide an accurate email address for each author as these email addresses will be used for future communications.
  • Do not use all upper case characters. Acronyms of institution names are acceptable. 
  • Submit your abstract only once to the most appropriate technical category.

Formatting Information

  • Abstracts must be 2250 characters or less (abstract body, image captions and all spaces will be counted) and are limited by the submission system. Titles, authors, addresses, and references will not count in the character limit.
  • Two figures/tables are permitted. Complex images are not recommended as they are difficult for the reader to discern. Accepted formats are: tiff, gif, bmp, jpeg, and other common image file formats. Do not use .ps, .eps, or .pdf files.  
  • The submission system will automatically produce your abstract in the proper format for publication in the Abstract Book. You may copy and paste your abstract, without formatting or TeX characters, into the space provided on the submission site. The version you view and edit on the screen is a facsimile.

Abstract Edits

  • Draft mode will be available until the submission deadline date allowing authors to edit abstracts until then.
  • To edit the abstract after submission, you may either return it to Draft mode or you may withdraw the original abstract and submit a new one.
  • If you edit an abstract in Draft mode, you must resubmit it when you are finished or it will not be reviewed. Abstracts left in Draft mode will NOT be reviewed.
  • Detailed instructions on the submission process are available in the submission system.